About me

Let me introduce myself! I’m Stephan sculptor and designer in my mid-thirties. Since my childhood I can feel the eagerness to create something special and unique with a value. In the last years I gained a lots of experience in the art of statuary. I took place on many exhibitions at home in Hungary and in abroad as well. I learned a lot about varied styles in statuary. As a result of all this became my style unique – oriented to the minimalism, but still represented by the modern culture – which is visible trough my sculptures. After many years of learning, gaining of experiences, and practice, I have decided, that I’m going to create my own brand and going to name my creations ’Stephan & Sons’ in the future. I’m creating my sculptures with irregular technology and outstanding care. During making my unique and abiding creatures, I’m working with dolomite stone. Many of my works has a line number on it. Every single item is characteristic masterpiece, all of the is unique. In the art of sculptory the space and the material are both significant, which are going trough many changes and evolutions. Folowing this flow I got the inspiration to put this pure design and shape to home- and office interiors, as well as to the art of landscape/garden architecture, – already spreaded overseas – which is lifting the aesthetic quality of the interiors with its exclusive and typical style.